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Send Mode (Automatic vs. Manual)
Dimitri Trofimuk avatar
Written by Dimitri Trofimuk
Updated over a year ago

Reputation Builder can automate the sending of Feedback Requests through Automatic Send Mode or you can manage requests manually.

What is Automatic Mode?

When you add or import customers they will be added to a cron schedule and requests will be sent out automatically at a predetermined rate.

By default Reputation Builder will send out 5 customer emails per day. The limit is set to protect your business from being flagged for review spamming (it looks suspicious if you have 20 reviews in one day and none in the days before or after). You can of course change this limit to suit your needs

Tip! As a general rule of thumb you can set the requests per day limit to approximately the average number of customers you serve in a day.

What is Manual Mode?

You are in complete control over how many emails go out in one day and how often and in what interval you want to follow up with your customers. Please use Manual Mode responsibly. Getting 100 reviews in one day and zero reviews the day before and after is the best way for your business to get flagged as Review Spam with all major review sites, such as Google, Facebook, etc.

How To Change your Send Mode:

1. Log in to Reputation Builder:

2. Select the desired business

3. Locate the Send Mode box in your Customer Activity Screen and click the drop down arrow


4. If you select Automatic mode you will be asked to confirm how many requests you would like to send out in a day

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