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Bulk Customer Import
Dimitri Trofimuk avatar
Written by Dimitri Trofimuk
Updated over a year ago

Do you have a huge list of customers you need to send out feedback to? You can perform a bulk upload, if you have a .csv, .xls or .xlsx file with your customer details. Your spreadsheet must include the following columns, in this order:

First Name | Last Name | Email (and/or) Phone Number (if including both email and phone number, use separate columns)

2. Select your business

3. Click on Requests > Import Customers


4. Click Choose File and select the file you'd like to use


Tip! The import screen has a CSV template you can download, to make the process faster.

Tip! There are no limits for the amount of customers that can be uploaded per file and per import session. However, we recommend to break large lists into sets of 1000 customers at a time to avoid "time-out" errors generated by your local browser.

5. Once your spreadsheet is uploaded, you'll need to ensure that the columns are labelled correctly. If the drop down menu doesn't match the column name, you need to change it, so they are the same. If one of your columns doesn't match any options from the drop downs, select "nothing" to skip it.

7. Click Finish Adding Subscribers to complete your upload

Tip! If you are using Automatic Send Mode your feedback requests will now go out as scheduled.

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