Searches were designed for the occasional citation research of specific keywords or businesses that are not covered in your campaigns.
Keyword searches are used to see the top 10 businesses ranking in your search area for a keyword that you are not presently targeting in a campaign. You can use these results to find new opportunities or to uncover more competitors.
*Try switching up your Campaign Keywords instead of one off keyword searches, so that you can easily manage all your opportunities in your campaign.
Results are broken down to show you the top 10 ranking businesses Citation Sources, Top Businesses, and Comparison Chart.
If your business doesn't show up in the Top Businesses you can Add a Business to compare your citation profile to the top ranking businesses.
Business Searches show existing citations for a specific business. The best use for a business search is if you want to see the citation profile of a specific business - you will not see who their competitors are and you cannot compare your citation profile to theirs.
Business Search Results
You can Convert a business search to a Campaign.