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What is date sampling and grouping?
What is date sampling and grouping?
Dimitri Trofimuk avatar
Written by Dimitri Trofimuk
Updated over a year ago

The display in the Local Rank Tracker, for performance and usability reasons, displays data either grouped, sampled, or unmodified.

Unmodified data

If you have selected a period shorter than a year, or with fewer than 90 data points, the Rank Tracker will display all your data points, without modification.

Date grouping/monthly

If you have selected a period over a year long, or you have chosen "Monthly" from the dropdown, data will be returned in "Months". The system will sample the first available data point from each month when showing monthly data.

Date sampling

If you have selected a period that has more than 90 data points (around three months for daily campaigns, and over a year for weekly campaigns) then the Rank Tracker will "sample" the data, eg. not every single data point will be displayed. The tool will attempt to display as many dates, equally distributed, as possible, within the period. As an example: instead of Displaying data from March 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc.. the tool might display data from March 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc...

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