Improve Listing Discovery With a Short Name
Add a short name for your business to help our system do a partial name match and uncover listings that may use a variation of your business name.
Create Your To-do List
Take action and start building new citations from your opportunities tab. All verified 'submittable' results are shown by default, click the To-do tag to add them to your To-do list. Then go through your list of sites, click on the Do- it link to visit the site, and submit your business. Optimize your workflow by marking the most important citations with a star, adding notes, or mark a site completes.
Perform Citation Research
Use the Search function to research specific keywords or businesses that are not covered in your campaigns.
Competitor Comparison
Evaluate your top competitor's business listings against yours using the Comparison feature. Add any missing competitors and rerun your campaign to gain even more insights.